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Chenguang Crusher Evaluates the Influence on Chinese Economy of U.S. Presidential Election

Before the U.S. presidential election, Barack Obama's election forecasts, as well as the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve may adopt policies to stimulate the economy to increase employment, which will push up inflation expectations. However, before the election, inflation is expected to be elected to the uncertainty of repression. If Obama won re-election, there will be one or two years of strong economic recovery, and then gradually into a moderate increase in its entire term, inflation will remain at a high level.

The U.S. presidential election on the Chinese economy can not be ignored. I speculated that the future in 2012, China's exports will have a brief recovery in growth, which helps to alleviate the economic recession, two years later, however, China's economy will once again trapped in imported inflation.

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CcC Chenguang crusher will take every chance to develop international trade and make contribution to China's economy.

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