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The general provisions of a loader, crusher drivers must be trained to achieve three understand (to understand the structure and understand the performance, understand the principle), "four" (will use will be to maintain, to maintain, will deal with failure), training and examinations, obtain certification are allowed to induction operation. 2 drivers to face conveyor transport Lane belt conveyor drivers close coordination, unified signal contact, order, stop a big lump coal gangue crusher feed port accumulation spillover should stop must stop processing workers and face scraper conveyor operation if a large lump coal, partings can not enter the broken turnaround or metal objects. Second, the preparation, checking and processing ready: tools: wrenches, pliers, screwdriver, hammer, shovel, etc.; 2, the necessary spare parts: the shorted chain, chain rings, bolts, nuts, crusher insurance sales child, etc.; 3, lubricating oil, turbine oil. 
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